About us

PG IMMOcasa Sagl is an active company in the real estate sector and it’s registered by commercial register nr. CHE-239.908.124.

The real estate business started in 2009 under the name of PG ASSICURA SA, providing insurance and real estate services.

To ensure greater transparency in 2023, it was decided to split the two activities and create the PG IMMOcasa Sagl, while keeping the same basic principles that made the real estate business a successful with PG ASSICURA SA over the past few years, namely:

  • Professionalism
  • Competence
  • Quality
  • Confidence

Our aim is to have satisfied clients, and we strive to reach your aim quickly, supporting you in all aspects, whether practical, juridical or financial.

We can reach this aim with SVIT formation (Swiss Association of Real Estate Economics) staff who have been active in the real estate industry for decades and able to provide the appropriate solution for every need, whether it is selling, buying, renting or management of a property.

PG IMMOcasa Sagl is regularly authorised by the Cantonal Supervisory Authority to operate the activity of Real Estate brokerage.

Through the signing of the Mandate of sale begins our work and commitment to the client with the relative attention to detail at all stages of the negotiation.

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